Working Group Materials

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Ending Plastic Pollution in Small Islands and Remote Coastal Areas

Small islands and remote coastal communities (SICs) are in the global spotlight as they are particularly affected by the global plastic pollution crisis and must deal with the combined input of plastics from the sea via ocean currents and from locally used plastics. There is an urgent need to take steps to reduce the current plastic footprint, stop the tide of plastic pollution and cut off its leakage into the environment. This white paper identifies and showcases successful solutions for SICs and assesses them against a range of criteria, ensuring long term sustainability and replication.


Guidelines on Minimum Requirements for Plastic Waste Recovery & Crediting Standards

This publication is a joint effort by plastic waste recovery organisations, all of them operating in developing countries and all of them members of the PREVENT Waste Alliance. These practitioners have gathered with the aim of improving the level of plastic waste recovery services in developing countries, so that ultimately more funds can flow to these services and higher environmental and social impacts can be achieved.


Achieving more circularity in the future global plastics agreement: Common criteria to improve packaging design

The report provides guidelines for improving the design of plastic packaging by drawing on both circular product design and eco-design principles. It informs stakeholders and decision-makers from the private sector, public institutions, and governments on the potential of improved product design as a way to prevent plastic pollution and drive more circularity.


Corporate Plastic Waste Disclosures: Towards a Universally Accepted Framework

To move towards a universally accepted framework for corporate plastic waste disclosure, the sub-working group on Plastic Accounting (Corporate Stream) has developed a discussion paper. It summarizes the existing frameworks for corporate plastic waste disclosures and provides recommendations for their improvement.


Joint Statement: Plastic credit standard setters welcome global plastics agreement

Plastic credits are one part of the solution to tackle the plastic waste crisis – this is the message of the group of plastic credit voluntary standard setters who are active in the PREVENT Waste Alliance. The group for the first time has developed a joint position.


Plastic credit schemes and EPR – risks and opportunities

The discussion paper was developed within the PREVENT Waste Alliance sub-working group on plastic credits. It outlines necessary quality requirements and standards to ensure that plastic credit schemes lead to more circularity and do not undermine incentives for EPR and waste prevention.


Study: Prevention of plastic waste in production and consumption by multi-actor partnerships

In this study, the working group on plastic presents 17 best practice examples. From these, recommendations for the reduction of plastic waste are drawn, and success factors, important steps and conclusions regarding the necessary political framework conditions are presented.


Summary: Prevention of plastic waste in production and consumption by multi-actor partnerships

This summary presents the most important findings of the study „Prevention of plastic waste in production and consumption by multi-actor partnerships“.


ValuCred Standard Process Model Handbook

The ValuCred Handbook introduces the key concepts of the Standard Process Model (SPM). It explains guiding principles for the integration of minimum requirements for the plastic credit market to foster greater transparency and accountability of all stakeholders involved.


ValueCred Report: Retrospective of recent market dynamics Plastic Credits – Friend or Foe?

ValuCred analysed the plastic recycling sector and specifically the Plastic Credit market in terms of its ability to create the much needed market transition, anchoring social justice and sustainability firmly within its accounting mechanisms. This analytical report focuses on the seven most relevant voluntary market standards in the newly evolving Plastic Credit market space.


Establishing a basis for the remuneration of labour in the waste value chain as part of ValuCred‘s new plastic credit pricing model

ValuCred has scrutinized a variety of existing measures and concepts to devise adequate remuneration which assures sustainable income levels for waste workers in the Global South. This position paper outlines four identified measures of orientation.


Technical Playbook: Accelerating Circular Solutions to Single-Use Plastics

The Technical Playbook serves as an end-to-end guide for market acceleration of circular products. It outlines activities that should be undertaken to support interventions between companies developing and offering circular solutions and partner companies that are their target customers.


E-Waste and Batteries

Discussion Paper: Practical Experiences with the Basel Convention

The discussion paper was developed by the PREVENT-StEP joint working group. It aims to gather practical experiences with the export of waste electrical and electronic equipment and fractions thereof from low- and middle-income countries to environmentally sound management (ESM) facilities abroad according to the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) notification procedures of the Basel Convention.


Sub-working group with StEP Initiative on the implementation of the Basel Convention

Following a first exchange with the Basel Convention Secretariat in February 2021 on the challenges caused by notification procedures for the transboundary movement of e-waste, PREVENT and StEP have initiated a cross-alliance working group to collect experiences from members in different countries. The aim is to find ways to improve local implementation and facilitate transport to qualified recycling facilities abroad.

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WCEF2022 Accelerator Session: Practical Implementation of the Basel PIC Procedure for Exporters from Developing Countries

As part of the World Circular Economy Forum 2022, the StEP Initiative, Closing the Loop and the PREVENT Waste Alliance co-organized the session “Basel PIC Procedure for Exporters from Developing Countries”.

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Principles and comparison criteria for e-waste compensation

E-waste compensation is a relatively new financial mechanism. Therefore, it is essential to define guardrails on how the concept should be implemented in practice. This paper contains 11 general principles of effective e-waste compensation.


Management of End-of-life Li-ion Batteries through E-waste Compensation in Nigeria

The project E-Waste Compensation as an international financing mechanism in Nigeria (ECoN) completed a feasibility study which addresses the possibilities for responsible management of end-of-life lithium-ion batteries from domestic consumption in Nigeria.


Management of End-of-life Flat Panel Displays through E-waste Compensation in Nigeria

The project E-Waste Compensation as an international financing mechanism in Nigeria (ECoN) completed a feasibility study which addresses the possibilities for responsible management of end-of-life flat panel displays in Nigeria.


Implementation Report: Piloting of treatment solutions and innovative finance models for problematic e-waste fractions

From 2020 to 2021, the PREVENT project “Finding solutions for problematic e-waste fractions in the Balkans, Latin America and East/West Africa” developed finance and treatment solutions for PUR Foams, lithium ion batteries, e-waste plastics and mixed waste shipments with recyclers.


Finance models for problematic e-waste fractions

This overview of finance models (Excel file) for PUR Foams, lithium ion batteries, e-waste plastics and mixed waste shipments was developed by the PREVENT project “Finding solutions for problematic e-waste fractions in the Balkans, Latin America and East/West Africa".


Training on E-Waste / WEEE Management

The PREVENT Waste alliance has hosted online trainings on e-waste plastics and battery recycling. The trainings focus on identification, sorting and end-of-life management. The training on battery recycling is also available in French.

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Video: The Electronic Waste Challenge: A Global Perspective

Growing electronic waste volumes are a challenge for low and middle income countries. Informal recycling of valuable and hazardous components creates an income opportunity for the poor, but poses major health and environmental risks and also reduces resource efficiency.

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WasteGui: Guideline for organic waste treatment in East Africa

This report provides a detailed overview on concepts for collection, transport and final treatment of organic waste to inform politics, administration, research institutions, and the private sector.


Video: A Guide to Organic Waste Management in East Africa

Untreated organic residues pose a major potential hazard to humans and the environment. At the same time, organic waste holds great potential for energetic and material utilization. This webinar gives an overview of the current organic waste management system in Ethiopia and discusses adapted logistics and treatment concepts for different settlement structures.

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Cross-Cutting Issues

Improved Litter Monitoring with Data Interoperability

This discussion paper explores how data interoperability can improve litter monitoring. Interoperability of litter monitoring data can improve information quality and increase data quantity. Better and more data are critical for litter monitoring, as waste-related information is currently scarce and difficult to obtain. This paper introduces opportunities and challenges for data interoperability and analyses existing digital solutions to provide best practice examples.


Digitalization for a Circular Economy - Summary Notes of a Practitioners' Exchange

To get a better understanding of the roles of and interconnections between different digital actors within the PREVENT Waste Alliance, a mapping of digital solutions for circular economy was created. The mapping suggests that most PREVENT members cluster at the collection-recycling interface and that interoperability between the different solutions/platforms is necessary to increase impact in an international and fragmented market.


Airtable – Digital solutions within PREVENT

The Airtable provides a structured overview on digital solutions within PREVENT.

Open Airtable

Webinar series: Behaviour Change for a Circular Economy

Many circular economy solutions, such as recycling, reuse and refurbishment schemes, will only be successful if people change their behaviour. The PREVENT Waste Alliance and the Circular Economy Coalition for Latin America & the Caribbean have organized three webinars on behaviour change. Focus topics are: 1) How behaviour change works and why it pays off 2) How to use material incentives effectively 3) How to support reuse, repair and refurbishment schemes.

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EPR Toolbox

The EPR Toolbox developed by the PREVENT Waste Alliance is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging.