Call for Applications: Leadership Training for Female Multipliers in the Circular Economy
The PREVENT Waste Alliance and the GIZ project Circular City Labs invite you to apply for a 5-days in-person Leadership Training for women from 22-26 January 2024 in Bonn, Germany!
The training supports female change agents to develop leadership skills, to act as multipliers for effective leadership within their spheres of influence, and to make a difference for the circular economy. Please find detailed information on the training in the Call for Applications (see below).
You are eligible to apply if you are:
- A female professional from the public or private sector involved in circular economy, reuse systems or packaging value chains, and are very likely to integrate reuse into your work/business.
- Based in the partner countries of Circular City Labs: Albania, Kosovo, Georgia, Colombia or South Africa. Priority will be given to applicants in the following cities: Tirana, Tbilisi, Pristina, Bogotá, Capetown, uMhalthuze or Ekurhuleni.
To apply, please fill in the Application Form (see below) and send it by October 31, 2023 via email to jana.schwalm@giz.de!
The PREVENT Waste Alliance and the Circular City Labs Team look forward to receiving your application!
If you cannot arrange to come to Germany but are still interested in engaging in the Circular City Labs, please send an email to jana.schwalm@giz.de. The Circular City Labs team will add you to their email list and keep you updated on further activities in your country!