PREVENT Waste Alliance INC-3 Networking Event in Nairobi, Kenya
In the run-up to the INC-3 meeting in Nairobi, we would like to invite you to a PREVENT Waste Alliance networking event on November 12, 09:00 – 16:30 hrs (EAT) at Tribe Hotel, Village Market, Limuru Rd, Nairobi, Kenya! The event features three exciting sessions:
Session 1 – Driving circular solutions (09:00-12:00 hrs)
The first session showcases solutions developed by the PREVENT Waste Alliance and its members to tackle challenges upstream, midstream, and downstream in the plastic value chain. Members will further present and reflect on digital approaches and introduce their efforts on a voluntary outcomes-based financial instrument. The event will also present options for getting involved in the PREVENT Waste Alliance and discuss how global alliances can contribute to the development and successful implementation of the Global Plastics Treaty.
Session 2 – Lessons and trends in plastic and marine litter prevention (13:30-15:00 hrs)
The second session elaborates further on general learnings, successful initiatives, and current trends in plastic and marine litter prevention presented by PREVENT members GIZ, IUCN and WWF. Speakers from different world regions will share their experiences and present regional needs as well as best practices throughout the plastics lifecycle.
Session 3 – The Global Action Partnership for EPR (15:30 – 16:30 hrs)
The third session opens the floor for the Global Action Partnership for EPR (GAP for EPR).The GAP for EPR aims to create a common understanding on EPR, support countries on EPR development, as well as build a community of practice which facilitates the sharing of best practices and lessons learned. In this spirit, we will jointly reflect on the Kenyan case and discuss the topic of social inclusion.
The event will take place on-site in Kenya. The programme includes lunch and several coffee breaks. We will try to set up an online stream so that it will be possible to watch the event. However, online participants will not be able to interact with the attendants on-site. The event is open to all interested companies, public institutions, academic institutions, and NGOs.
Please register until October 31! Please also check your spam folder for the registration email.