Open Consultation: Minimum Requirements for Plastic Waste Recovery Certification / Credits
Is plastic waste collection & recycling adequately monitored and funded in developing countries? You don’t think so?
Then you should join our Consultation on Minimum Requirements for Plastic Waste Recovery Certification / Credits!
We invite you to comment on the developed Minimum Requirements. The consultation will be open until 10 December 2023: Join the consultation!
The PREVENT Waste Alliance aims to work with all relevant stakeholders to create a financing mechanism that supports environmental protection and the international transition to a circular economy.
At the beginning of this year, a group of 16 PREVENT members from the plastic credits space formed a Core Group on Verified Plastic Recovery and committed to a roadmap process of harmonising the plastic credits landscape.
Their goal: Demonstrate the potential of transparent and credible voluntary financing mechanisms considering social, environmental and economic aspects, linked to the UN Plastics Treaty process.
As a first result, the Core Group successfully submitted a joint position on Minimum Requirements of Verified Plastic Recovery Units for the INC-3 meeting in Nairobi. Read the submission!
Want to learn more about the Minimum Requirements for plastic waste recovery? Watch the recording of the first consultation session that took place on 2 November! Watch the recording on YouTube
The Core Group on Verified Plastic Recovery of the PREVENT Waste Alliance
BVRio, CleanHub, Cirplus, Delterra, Empower, everwave, NIDISI, Phoenix FTA, PCX Solutions, rePurpose Global, Rodiek/Nehlsen, Sarape CircuLab, TONTOTON, WasteReduction, Wuppertal Institut, and Zero Plastic Ocean