19. October 2023


Launch of the Global Action Partnership for EPR

On October 19, 2023, the Global Action Partnership for Extended Producer Responsibility (GAP for EPR) was launched! GIZ, WWF and OECD have partnered to establish the GAP for EPR – hosted by the PREVENT Waste Alliance. The partnership also receives circular economy support from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and is in close collaboration with UNEP on providing technical support to governments and PROs.


During the online launch event, the rationale for the GAP for EPR was presented, as well as its activities and options for engagement. A diverse group of practitioners discussed the challenges they are facing in their efforts to implement and operate EPR and how the GAP for EPR could best address them.


The GAP for EPR aims to create a common understanding on EPR, support countries on EPR development, as well as build a community of practice which facilitates the sharing of best practices and lessons learned. The GAP will initially focus on packaging and plastic products, but in the future, it can extend to other product categories.